Development Easement

Business / Agriculture / Development Easement: A legal agreement by which a landowner surrenders the right to develop a designated parcel of property. Some local and state governments have programs to acquire development easements from private landowners to prevent conversion of farmland to other uses.
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Other Words for Development

Development Noun Synonyms: evolution, growth, evolvement, maturation, unfolding, maturing, maturity, increase, expansion, enlargement, increment, advance, advancement, progress, improvement
Development Verb Synonyms: occurrence, happening, event, incident, circumstance, situation, condition, phenomenon


Business / Agriculture / Easement: A landowner sells or surrenders the right to develop a portion of the property, usually in return for a payment or some other benefit. Some local and state governments, and land trusts, have programs MORE

Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD)

Business / Agriculture / Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD): An international organization established by the United States, Canada and certain Western European countries in 1960. The OECD studies and discusses trade and related matters. Its current 29 members MORE

Organization Development

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organization Development: A planned organization-wide effort to improve and increase the organization?€™s effectiveness, productivity, return on investment and overall employee job satisfaction through planned intervention MORE

Negative Easement

Business / Real Estate / Negative Easement: An easement where the owner of a servient estate is prohibited from doing something on his or her estate that is otherwise lawful, because it will affect the dominant estate. MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Over-Development: Is a term indicating that the amount of development recommended by the manufacturer has been exceeded. It can be caused by prolonged development time or an increase in development temperature, and usu MORE

Party Wall Easement

Business / Real Estate / Party Wall Easement: A party wall can be an exterior wall on a building that straddles the boundary line between two lots, or it can be a commonly shared partition wall between two connected properties. Each lot owner own MORE