Business / Agriculture / County Loan Rate: Nonrecourse loan rates vary from county to county to account for transportation cost differences to the nearest terminal elevator. The weighted average for all county loan rates - the actual loan levels received by farmers - in the United States must equal the national average loan rate, established by USDA according to limits set by Congress.
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Loan Verb Synonyms: advance, allowance, credit, accommodation
Rate Noun Synonyms: rank, grade, class, classify, evaluate, estimate, calculate, compute, count, reckon, judge, gauge, assess, appraise, measure
Rate Verb Synonyms: measure, pace, gait, speed, velocity, clip
Science / Biology / Phosphoglycerate (PGA): A three-carbon molecule formed when carbon dioxide is added to ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) during the dark reaction of photosynthesis (Calvin, or Calvin-Benson Cycle). PGA is converted to PGAL, using MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Photosynthetic Rate: The rate of conversion of dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ion to photosynthetic product MORE
Health / Vitamins / Phyto-Chemical Concentrates: Chemical constituents of plants part of its defense system, others than proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals used in human nutrition, enhance overall health, act as detoxifying agents, MORE