Business / Agriculture / County Executive Director (CED): The supervisor hired by the Farm Service Agency county committee to manage the day-to day activities of a field service center (formerly called the county office).
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Director Noun Synonyms: guide, leader, steersman, helmsman, pilot, skipper, commander, commandant, captain, cicerone, maestro, concert-master, conductor, impresario
Director Conjunction Synonyms: executive, administrator, official, principal, chairman, president, vice-president, governor, head, chief, boss, manager, superintendent, supervisor, overseer, foreman, headman, kingpin, number one, numero uno, Mr. Big, the man, top dog, top
Executive Noun Synonyms: chairman (of the board), director, managing director, chief executive, president, chief (executive officer), CEO, manager, head, leader, principal, administrator, official, supervisor, foreman, superintendent, overseer, boss, master, Mr. Big
Business / Agriculture / County Committees: Panels of three to five farmers, elected by other farmers, to oversee the local operation of commodity programs, credit, and other programs of the Farm Service Agency. County committees, established b MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Ezine Directory: Directory of electronic magazines, typically of the email variety. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Finance Director: Chief financial officer responsible for the oversight of all financial and accounting operations, such as billing, management information services, enrollment, and underwriting as well as accounting, MORE
Business / Finance / Jury Of Executive Opinion: A method of forecasting using a composite forecast prepared by a number of individual experts. The experts form their own opinions initially from the data given, and revise their opinions according to MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Marketing Director: Individual responsible for marketing a managed care plan, whose duties include oversight of marketing representatives, advertising, client relations, and enrollment forecasting. MORE
Business / Finance / Interlocking Directorate: Describes cross-memberships of directors on each other's company Board of Directors. MORE