Commodity Programs

Business / Agriculture / Commodity Programs: This term is usually meant to include the commodity price and income support programs administered by the Farm Service Agency and financed by the Commodity Credit Corporation. The commodities now receiving support are: (1) those included in the production flexibility contract payments program, specifically wheat, feed grains, cotton, and rice: (2) those eligible for nonrecourse marketing assistance loans, soybeans and minor oilseeds: (3) those under marketing quota limits, peanuts and tobacco: (4) sugar and milk. A broader term that includes these programs and others is farm programs.
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Acreage Diversion Programs

Business / Agriculture / Acreage Diversion Programs: Historically, commodity programs included provisions to reduce commodity supplies by diverting acreage to non-crop uses. Examples include paid diversion, unpaid diversion, set-aside, and acreage reduc MORE

Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC)

Business / Agriculture / Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC): A wholly owned government corporation created in 1933 to stabilize, support, and protect farm income and prices (federally chartered by the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act of 1948 (P.L. 80-80 MORE

Farm Programs

Business / Agriculture / Farm Programs: This term is generally meant to include the commodity programs administered by the Farm Service Agency, as well as the other USDA programs that directly benefit farmers. Some examples of the other pro MORE