Bank For Cooperatives (BC)

Business / Agriculture / Bank For Cooperatives (BC): Lending institution within the Farm Credit System that provides credit to agricultural cooperatives and rural utility cooperatives nationwide. Nationally chartered cobank Agricultural Bank (Denver) has the authority to finance U.S. agricultural exports and to provide international banking services to farmer-owned cooperatives.
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Other Words for For

For Noun Synonyms: representing, championing, in favour of, on or and also in behalf of, on the side of, in support of, in the service of, as a service to, for the benefit of, pro
For Preposition Synonyms: instead of, in place of, representing, as a replacement for, on or and in behalf of, in return or exchange for, in compensation or recompense or payment or repayment for, in requital for

Non-Conforming Loan

Business / Real Estate / Non-Conforming Loan: A mortgage loan that does not meet Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac underwriting guidelines. Non-conforming loans are available as both fixed and adjustable rate mortgages. MORE

Non-Finite Form

Entertainment / Literature / Non-Finite Form: In grammar, this category of verbs includes the infinitive and participle forms. Basically, a non-finite form is any form of a verb that doesn't indicate person, number, or tense. MORE

Non-Identifying Information

Lifestyle / Adoption / Non-Identifying Information: The medical and social history along with other information exchanged between birth parents and adoptive parents without using names, addresses or other identifying information of both parties. MORE