Lifestyle / Adoption / Non-Identifying Information: The medical and social history along with other information exchanged between birth parents and adoptive parents without using names, addresses or other identifying information of both parties.
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Information Adjective Synonyms: knowledge, data, facts, intelligence, message, word, advice, news, tidings, report, communication, info, low-down, dirt, dope, gen, bumf, poop
Technology / Computers / Internet Information Server (IIS): A Web server that runs on the Windows NT/2000 platforms. It allows the creation of web-based applications. IIS provides both FTP server and web server capability. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / IX (Information Exchange): Ability of aps film to communicate with devices, and devices to communicate with film. MORE
Business / Finance / Limit Order Information System: The electronic system supplying information about securities traded on participating exchanges so that the best securities prices can be found. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA): The federal government's executive branch advisory committee for telecommunications. MORE
Business / Finance / Intermarket Surveillance Information System (ISIS): A database that distributes information from all the major stock exchanges in the United States. MORE
Business / Finance / Insider Information: Refers to over-the-counter trading. Best (highest) bid and best (lowest) offer, often used in the O.T.C. Market. See: In-line. MORE