Business / Accounting / Single-Step Income Statement: An income statement where all the revenues are shown as a single total rather than being split up into different types of revenue (this is the most common format for very small businesses). See Profit and Loss , Multiple-step income statement .
Search Google for Single-Step Income Statement:
Income Adjective Synonyms: return, revenue(s), receipts, proceeds, profit(s), gain(s), takings
Statement Adjective Synonyms: assertion, allegation, declaration, expression, report, account, affirmation, asseveration, averral, announcement, annunciation, proclamation, utterance, communication, disclosure
Business / Accounting / Multiple-Step Income Statement (Multi-Step): An income statement (Profit and Loss ) which has had its revenue section split up into sub-sections in order to give a more detailed view of its sales operations. Example: a company sells services and MORE
Business / Finance / Passive Income Generator (PIG): An investment that favors passive income, such as an income-oriented real estate limited partnership. MORE
Business / Debt / Personal Income: Personal income is a person's total income which includes salary, transfer payments, dividend and interest income. MORE
Business / Finance / Phantom Income: Income from a limited partnership that creates taxability without generating cash flow. MORE
Business / Finance / Postponing Income: Purposely delaying receipt of income to a later year in order to reduce current tax liability. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Passive Income: Income generated when a person is not active in a business or occupation. Examples of situations where passive income is generated include limited partnerships or rental income remaining after allowab MORE