Business / Accounting / Ordinary Share: This is a type of share issued by a limited company. It carries the highest risk but usually attracts the highest rewards.
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Ordinary Adjective Synonyms: standard, norm, average, status quo, convention, expected
Ordinary Noun Synonyms: usual, normal, expected, common, general, customary, routine, typical, habitual, accustomed, traditional, regular, everyday, familiar, set, humdrum
Ordinary Adverb Synonyms: common, conventional, modest, plain, simple, prosaic, homespun, commonplace, run-of-the-mill, everyday, average, unpretentious, workaday, mediocre, fair, passable, so so, undistinguished, unexceptional, unremarkable, uninspired, pedestrian, bourgeois
Share Adjective Synonyms: portion, allotment, division, apportionment, allocation, ration, appropriation, dispensation, allowance, part, due, percentage, interest, dividend, quota, portion, helping, serving, cut
Business / Accounting / Preference Shares: This is a type of share issued by a limited company. It carries a medium risk but has the advantage over ordinary shares in that preference shareholders get the first slice of the dividend 'pie' (but MORE
Business / Taxes / American Depositary Share (ADS): When a company based overseas wants to sell its shares in the US markets, it can offer them through a US bank, which is known as the depositary. The depositary bank holds the issuing company's shares, MORE
Business / Finance / Bearer Share: Security not registered on the books of the issuing corporation and thus payable to possessor of the shares. Negotiable without endorsement and transferred by delivery, thus avoiding some of the contr MORE
Business / Finance / Qualifying Share: Shares of common stock that a person must hold in order to qualify as a director of the issuing corporation. MORE
Business / Finance / Primary Earnings Per (Common) Share: Earnings available for the payment of dividends to common stockholders divided by the number of common shares outstanding. MORE
Business / Finance / Share Repurchase: Program by which a corporation buys back its own shares in the open market. It is usually done when shares are undervalued. Since repurchase reduces the number of shares outstanding and thus increases MORE