Zero Noun Synonyms
nobody, nothing, nonentity, nebbish, bupkis
That fellow she married is a real zero.
nil, null, nothing, nought or naught, aught, cipher, duck, nix, goose-egg, nada, niente, (sweet) Fanny Adams or F.A., bugger-all, zilch
Temperatures have remained below zero all day. The visiting team won three games, we won zero.
Zero Verb Synonyms
(rock) bottom, nadir
On a scale of one to ten, she is a zero.
Search Google for Zero:
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Zero-Based Bonus: A plan design feature that establishes a pre-assigned class, ratio, or ranking for a specified class of employees who will receive zero bonus awards. MORE
Business / Taxes / Zero-Coupon Convertible Bond: A zero-coupon convertible bond, like other convertible bonds, can be converted into stock in the issuing corporation if the stock reaches the trigger price. Municipalities may issue tax-exempt zero-co MORE
Business / Finance / Zero-One Integer Programming: Sale that takes place at the same price as the previous sale, but at a lower price than the last different price. Antithesis of zero-plus tick. MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Zero Bit Detection: A circuit in a D/A converter that monitors the digital audio bit stream. Upon encountering all bits low, or zero bits, the output of the D/A is disconnected from the preamp. This improves the signal-t MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Zero-Based Budgeting: A budgeting system that starts with no authorized funds as a starting point. In a zero-based budget, each activity or program to be funded must be justified every time a new budget is prepared and res MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Zero Crossing: An analog waveform consists of two alternating voltage polarities (positive to negative to positive...etc.). The point where the polarity changes from positive to negative, or vice versa, is called th MORE