Wakeful Verb Synonyms
watchful, (on the) alert, on the qui vive, sharp, attentive, vigilant, wary, cautious, observant, heedful, on the lookout
We remained wakeful, alert to any footstep.
awake, sleepless, waking, unsleeping, restless, restive, insomniac
The children were wakeful the entire night in anticipation of a visit from Santa Claus.
Search Google for Wakeful:
Science / Psychiatry / Dyssomnia: Primary disorders of sleep or wakefulness characterized by insomnia or hypersomnia as the major presenting symptom. Dyssomnias are disorders of the amount, quality, or timing of sleep. MORE
Lifestyle / Adoption / Bipolar Disorder: A category of mental illnesses in which mood and affect are disturbed - characterized by irregular cycles of mania and/or depression. During manic periods, the individual may be in a very elevated moo MORE