Soil Adjective Synonyms
earth, loam, dirt, ground, turf, humus, clay
The men who dug the swimming-pool took away the soil from the pit.
Soil Verb Synonyms
dirt, filth, muck, mire, mud, sludge, dregs, refuse, excrement, waste (matter)
The soil is carried away by these pipes into the main sewer.
dirty, stain, begrime, muddy, smear, spot
His shirts were returned by the laundry still soiled.
pollute, contaminate, sully, defile, foul, befoul, tarnish, besmirch, disgrace, muddy, smear, blacken, blot
The scandal soiled his previously spotless reputation.
Search Google for Soil:
Business / Agriculture / Soil Quality (Health): Soil quality includes consideration of measures related to both productivity for crops and environmental factors. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Soil Bank Program: A federal program of the late 1950s and early 1960s that paid farmers to retire land from production for 10 years: the predecessor to today?€™s Conservation Reserve Program. Some elements in the C MORE
Science / Geology / Expansive Clay (Expansive Soil): A clay soil that expands when water is added and contracts when it dries out. This volume change when in contact with buildings, roadways, or underground utilities can cause severe damage. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Soil Conservation District: A legal subdivision of state government, with a locally elected governing body, responsible for developing and carrying out a program of soil and water conservation within a geographic boundary, usual MORE
Business / Agriculture / Soil Loss Tolerance (T Value): For a specific soil, the maximum average annual soil loss expressed as tons per acre per year that will permit current production levels to be maintained economically and indefinitely. T values range MORE
Business / Agriculture / Universal Soil Loss Equation: A formula used to estimate erosion rates by considering climate, soils, and topographic conditions at a site, as well as any degree to which the use and management of the soil reduce erosion. It is be MORE