Other Words for Room

Room Adjective Synonyms
space, area, scope, extent, allowance, latitude, elbow-room, range, leeway, margin
There is room for one more inside.

chamber, apartment, compartment, office, cell, cubicle
For years Pablo occupied a small room on the top floor.

Room Noun Synonyms
live, lodge, dwell, abide, reside, stay
Did you really room with the daughter of a prime minister.

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More Words for Room

Lodge / Office / Stay / Range / Live / Chamber

Lords Rooms

Entertainment / Literature / Lords Rooms: During the Renaissance, the most prestigious and costly seating in public playhouses were the lords' rooms. These rooms were partitioned sections of the gallery near the 'above.' (The cost was three p MORE

Boiler Room

Business / Finance / Boiler Room: Used to describe place or operation in which unscrupulous salespeople call and try to sell people speculative, even fraudulent, securities. MORE

Adjoining Rooms

Lifestyle / Travel / Adjoining Rooms: Neighboring hotel rooms that do not have doors connected between them. MORE

Hospitality Room

Lifestyle / Travel / Hospitality Room: Room used for entertaining. MORE

Family Stateroom

Lifestyle / Travel / Family Stateroom: Specific accommodations vary, but family staterooms usually provide for 4-6 passengers in lower bed configurations (i.e. No bunk beds). These accommodations often feature convertible sofas, separate s MORE

Wire Room

Business / Finance / Wire Room: A firm operating a private wire to its own branch offices or to other firms, commission houses, or brokerage houses. MORE