Other Words for People

People Adjective Synonyms
masses, (general) public, hoi polloi, consumers, multitude, populace, common people, common man, commoners, subjects, citizenry, plebeians, grass roots, proletariat, rank and file, the crowd, commonalty or commonality, mobile vulgus, bourgeoisie
Politicians unable to communicate with the people are seldom elected.

persons, individuals, men and women, ladies and gentlemen, males and females, living souls, mortals, bodies
How many people can this aeroplane carry? .

People Noun Plural Synonyms
race, community, clan, tribe, folk, nation, population, society
On the subject of religion, they were a people divided. The anthropologists were studying the peoples south of the Sahara.

populate, colonize, settle, occupy
The area was once peopled with Berber tribesmen.

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Personal People Meter (PPM)

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People Pill

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Health / Massage / Anxiety: A feeling of apprehension and fear characterized by physical symptoms such as palpitations , sweating, and feelings of stress . Anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses that affect approximatel MORE


Health / Massage / Allergy: A misguided reaction to foreign substances by the immune system , the body system of defense against foreign invaders, particularly pathogens (the agents of infection ). The allergic reaction is misgu MORE


Health / Massage / Trigger: Something that either sets off a disease in people who are genetically predisposed to developing the disease, or that causes a certain symptom to occur in a person who has a disease. For example, sunl MORE


Business / Finance / Depression: In the context of stocks, stock whose market price is low in comparison to stocks in its sector. MORE