Mechanical Adjective Synonyms
impersonal, distant, cold, matter-of-fact, unfeeling, insensible, ritualistic, lifeless, spiritless, dead, inanimate, unanimated, unemotional, unartistic, mechanistic, colourless, uninspired, business-like
The girl at the check-out gave us a mechanical smile.
Mechanical Noun Synonyms
automatic, automated, machine-driven, machine-made
Early mechanical toys are sometimes quite intricate. This is a mechanical, not a hand-crafted device.
automatic, reflex, involuntary, instinctive, routine, habitual, unconscious, perfunctory, machine-like, robot-like
Good manners ought to be mechanical. Blinking is a mechanical reaction to bright light.
Search Google for Mechanical:
Health / Massage / Mechanical Link: Mechanical link is a system of evaluation that allows practitioners to locate and release primary restrictions within the fascial system. These gentle techniques help reduce structural tensions and en MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Mechanical Turk: program which allows you to hire humans to perform easy tasks that computers are bad at. MORE
Science / Geology / Mechanical Weathering: A general term applied to a variety of weathering processes that result in the particle size reduction of rock materials with no change in composition. Frost action, salt crystal growth and pressure r MORE
Technology / Motors / Motor: A device that takes electrical energy and converts it into mechanical energy to turn a shaft. MORE