Learning Adjective Synonyms
knowledge, erudition, culture, scholarship, lore, information, wisdom
You have the advantage of being able to draw on centuries of learning.
Search Google for Learning:
Lifestyle / College / Experiential Learning: Knowledge and skills gained from life experience for which credit may be awarded under certain circumstances. (See Prior Learning Assessment) MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Action Learning: A learner-driven, continuous learning process where learning revolves around the need to find solutions to real problems. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Active Learning: The process of learning new knowledge, skills and behaviors through taking specific actions or performing specific tasks. MORE
Business / Taxes / Lifetime Learning Credit: You may qualify to claim a lifetime learning tax credit of up to $2,000 each year for qualified higher educational expenses for yourself, your spouse, or a dependent if your family?€™s modified ad MORE
Lifestyle / College / Learning Disabilities: encompasses a wide variety of learning difficulties for students. In general, a learning disability describes a discrepancy between a child's intelligence and academic achievement. Some people have le MORE
Lifestyle / College / Learning Style: The channels through which a person best understands and retains knowledge. All individuals learn best through one or more channels: vision, hearing, movement, touching, or a combination of these. MORE