Government Verb Synonyms
rule, command, authority, regulation, control, management, direction, administration, sway, superintendence, supervision, oversight, guidance, domination
His government of the island has led to disorder.
administration, ministry, regime
The government intends to ban smoking in public places.
Search Google for Government:
Business / Real Estate / Government Check: The 24-mile-square parcels composed of 16 townships in the rectangular (government) survey system of legal description. MORE
Business / Loan / Government Recording Fees And Taxes: Fees and taxes required to be paid to the local government where your mortgage documents are filed. MORE
Business / Finance / Government Obligations: A wholly owned U.S. government corporation within the Department of Housing & Urban Development. Ginnie Mae guarantees the timely payment of principal and interest on securities issued by approved ser MORE
Business / Real Estate / Government Lot: Fractional sections in the rectangular (government) survey system that are less than one quarter-section in area. Areas smaller than full quarter-sections were numbered and designated as government lo MORE
Business / Finance / Government Securities: U.S. government-backed debt instruments, which are considered among the safest investments possible, including Treasury bonds, bills, and notes, and savings bonds. MORE
Business / Taxes / Government Bond: The term government bond is used to describe the debt securities issued by the federal government, such as US Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. They're also known as government obligations. You can bu MORE