Other Words for Furrow

Furrow Noun Synonyms
wrinkle, crease, corrugate, knit, pucker, crinkle
A frown furrowed his forehead.

groove, channel, rut, trench, track, ditch, gutter, trough, fosse, fissure, sulcus, sulcation, flute, score, cut, gash, scratch, line, wrinkle, crease, corrugation, crow's-feet, sulcus
He can't even plough a straight furrow. The furrows in his brow come from worry.

groove, channel, flute, score, cut, gash, scratch, plough, harrow
This rock was furrowed by glacial action.

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More Words for Furrow

Line / Cut / Score

Cleavage Furrow

Science / Biology / Cleavage Furrow: A constriction of the cell membrane at the equator of the cell that marks the beginning of cytokinesis in animal cells. The cell divides as the furrow deepens. MORE

Furrow Irrigation

Business / Agriculture / Furrow Irrigation: Small, shallow channels guide water across the surface of a leveled field. Crops are typically grown on a ridge or raised bed between the furrows. This is the major irrigation system that is based on MORE


Lifestyle / Painting / Wrinkling: Development of ridges and furrows in a paint film when the paint dries. MORE

Virginia Pine

Lifestyle / Christmas Trees / Virginia Pine: The Virginia pine's needles occur in pairs. They are twisted and range from 1.5 to 3'' in length. They are relatively short when compared to those of other pines. Loblolly needles, by comparison, are MORE

Colorado Blue Spruce

Lifestyle / Christmas Trees / Colorado Blue Spruce: Colorado blue spruce, or blue spruce, is an attractive tree often used for Christmas trees or as ornamentals, particularly in the eastern United States and Europe. It is the official state tree of bot MORE


Business / Agriculture / Irrigation: Applying water (or wastewater) to land areas to supply the water (and sometimes nutrient) needs of plants. Techniques for irrigating include furrow irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, trickle (or drip) MORE