Other Words for Facility

Facility Verb Synonyms
ease, smoothness, fluency, effortlessness, readiness, easiness, skill, skillfulness, deftness, dexterity, adroitness, ability, aptitude, expertise, expertness, proficiency, mastery, masterfulness, masterliness, efficiency, quickness, alacrity, celerity
They praised her new-found facility with the Italian language.

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More Words for Facility

Ability / Skill / Ease

Joint Agricultural Weather Facility (JAWF)

Business / Agriculture / Joint Agricultural Weather Facility (JAWF): Created in 1978, the facility is a cooperative effort between USDA?€™s World Agricultural Outlook Board and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce t MORE

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)

Health / Dentistry / Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF): A licensed facility that provides nursing care and related services for patients who do not require hospitalization in an acute care setting. MORE

Residential Care Facility

Lifestyle / Adoption / Residential Care Facility: A structured 24-hour care facility with staff that provide psychological services to help severely troubled children overcome behavioral, emotional, mental or psychological problems that adversely aff MORE

Radar Approach Control Facility (RAPCON)

Technology / Aviation / Radar Approach Control Facility (RAPCON): A terminal ATC facility that uses radar and non-radar capabilities to provide approach control services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting airspace controlled by the facility. This facilit MORE

Ambulatory Care Facility (ACF)

Health / Health Insurance / Ambulatory Care Facility (ACF): A medical care center that provides a wide range of healthcare services, including preventive care, acute care, surgery, and outpatient care, in a centralized facility. Also known as a medical clinic MORE

Extended Care Facility (ECF)

Health / Dentistry / Extended Care Facility (ECF): A medical care institution for patients who require long-term custodial or medical care, especially for chronic disease or a condition requiring prolonged rehabilitation therapy. MORE