Other Words for Dry

Dry Adjective Synonyms
witty, droll, wry, cynical, biting, sarcastic, cutting, keen, sly, ironic
Oscar Wilde was known for his dry witticisms.

dreary, boring, tedious, tiresome, wearisome, wearying, tiring, dull, uninteresting, monotonous, prosaic, commonplace, stale, uninspired, plain, unadorned, unembellished
The minister's speech was as dry as could be, a litany of dry statistics.

dehydrate, desiccate, parch
As the rainfall subsided, the land dried and changed into a desert.

Dry Noun Synonyms
dehydrated, desiccated, arid, sear, parched, waterless, moistureless, barren, bare, fruitless
With no rain for a month, the dry earth yielded no crops.

Dry Verb Synonyms
dry up or out, wither, shrivel, shrink, wilt
The plants dried because they weren't watered.

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Dry Clutch

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