Crisis Adjective Synonyms
turning-point, critical time or moment
She has passed the crisis and will be better tomorrow.
Crisis Noun Synonyms
disaster, emergency, calamity, catastrophe, danger
The storm has created a crisis and the residents are being evacuated.
Search Google for Crisis:
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Crisis Management: A broad term that refers to an organizations pre-established activities and guidelines, for preparing and responding to significant catastrophic events or incidents (i.e., fire, earthquake, severe sto MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Crisis Planning: A formal written plan establishing specific measures or actions to be taken when responding to catastrophic events or tragedies (i.e., fire, earthquake, severe storms, workplace violence, kidnapping, MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Crisis Prevention: The process of an organization implementing specific plans and procedures designed to circumvent certain disasters or emergencies. MORE
Business / Finance / Depression: In the context of stocks, stock whose market price is low in comparison to stocks in its sector. MORE