Other Words for Council

Council Noun Synonyms
board, ministry, directors, cabinet, panel, committee, body, directorate, directory, caucus
She was elected to the council last year.

Council Verb Synonyms
assembly, meeting, conclave, conference, synod, consistory, convention, congress, congregation, gathering, convocation, caucus
The council voted to ban nuclear arms.

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More Words for Council

Convention / Board

Food And Agriculture Councils (Facs)

Business / Agriculture / Food And Agriculture Councils (Facs): These councils were instituted in 1982 by USDA to function as interagency coordinating groups on three levels: national, state, and local. The state facs are composed of senior level officials of indi MORE

Council Of Trent

Entertainment / Music / Council Of Trent: A council of the Roman Catholic Church that convened in Trent, Italy from 1543 to 1565 and dealt with Counter-Reformation issues, including the reform of liturgical music. MORE

State Rural Development Councils

Business / Agriculture / State Rural Development Councils: A collaborative partnership comprised of representatives of the federal, state, local, and tribal governments, the private sector, and the nonprofit sector. Councils are created by a memorandum of und MORE

National Rural Development Council (NRDC)

Business / Agriculture / National Rural Development Council (NRDC): This is the federal component of the National Rural Development Partnership. The NRDC comprises representatives from various federal departments and national organizations whose activities or policies MORE

Council Of Economic Advisors (CEA)

Business / Taxes / Council Of Economic Advisors (CEA): The Council of Economic Advisors' job is to assist and advise the president of the United States on economic policy. The CEA differs from other government agencies in its academic orientation and emph MORE

Council Of Economic Advisers

Business / Finance / Council Of Economic Advisers: Inflation caused by rising prices, usually from increased raw material or labor costs that push up the costs of production. Related: Demand-pull inflation. MORE