Other Words for Comparison

Comparison Noun Synonyms
match, similarity, resemblance, likeness, comparability, relation, relationship, commensurability, kinship, point of agreement or correspondence
There is no comparison between a racing car and a family car.

Comparison Verb Synonyms
contrasting, contrast, juxtaposing, juxtaposition, balancing, balance, weighing
His comparison of the candidates is prejudiced.

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More Words for Comparison

Balance / Relation / Match

Factor Comparison

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Factor Comparison: A job comparison process involving ranking each individual job by certain selected compensable factors to establish appropriate values to be used in determining pay rates. MORE

Comparison Universe

Business / Finance / Comparison Universe: Short for 'comparison ticket,' a memorandum between two brokers that confirms the details of a transaction to be carried out. MORE

Analytical Comparison

Entertainment / Literature / Analytical Comparison: Comparison using more and most instead of -er and -est. MORE

Comparison Of Simultaneous Observations

Science / Tides and Currents / Comparison Of Simultaneous Observations: A reduction process in which a short series of tide or tidal current observations at any place is compared with simultaneous observations at a control station where tidal or tidal current constants ha MORE

Between-Habitat Comparison

Science / Marine Biology / Between-Habitat Comparison: A contrast of diversity in two localities of differing habitat type (e.g., sand versus mud bottoms) MORE

Comparison Value (CV)

Health / Disease / Comparison Value (CV): Calculated concentration of a substance in air, water, food, or soil that is unlikely to cause harmful (adverse) health effects in exposed people. The CV is used as a screening level during the public MORE