Code Noun Synonyms
encode, encipher or encypher, encrypt
It took an hour to code the information.
cipher or cypher, cryptogram
Our agents send all their messages in code.
system, practice(s), convention(s), standard(s), criterion (criteria), principle(s), rule(s), maxim(s), custom(s), pattern(s), structure, tradition(s), organization, protocol, orthodoxy
Our code of behavior is completely foreign to the islanders.
Code Verb Synonyms
law(s), regulation(s), rule(s), jurisprudence, jus canonicum 'canon law', jus civile 'civil law', jus divinum 'divine law', jus gentium 'universal law', jus naturale 'natural law', corpus juris, pandect, common law, unwritten law
In the present code there is no statute that forbids keeping a pet gnu.
Search Google for Code:
Business / Real Estate / Uniform Building Code: A national building code published by the International Conference of Building Officials. It has been adopted in part by municipalities throughout the United States, but used mostly in the western sta MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Diagnostic And Treatment Codes: Special codes that consist of a brief, specific description of each diagnosis or treatment and a number used to identify each diagnosis and treatment. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / ntegrated Receiver Decoder (IRD): Satellite TV system receiver with a built-in decoder for unscrambling subscription channels. It is usually called a satellite receiver. MORE
Technology / Computers / COder-DECoder (Codec): 1) Short for Compressor/Decompressor. This technology is used for compressing and decompressing data. Codecs are widely used in both hardware and software. A few examples of codecs are: Cinepak, Indeo MORE
Technology / Motors / NEC Temperature Code (T Code): An index for describing maximum allowable 'skin' (surface) temperature of a motor under any normal or abnormal operating conditions. The 'T' codes are applicable to U.L. Iisted explosion-proof motors. MORE
Science / Biology / Genetic Code: The linear series of nucleotides, read as triplets, that specifies the sequence of amino acids in proteins. Each triplet specifies an amino acid, and the same codons are used for the same amino acids MORE