Addition Noun Synonyms
adding, joining, putting together, uniting, combining
The addition of this paragraph is uncalled for.
addendum, appendix, appendage, supplement, increment, augmentation, extension
This addition contributes nothing to the manuscript.
totaling, adding up, summing-up, summation, counting up, reckoning, totting up
You have made an error in addition.
extension, ell, annex, annex, wing
We used our lottery winnings to pay for an addition to the house.
Addition Preposition Synonyms
as well as, besides, beyond, over and above
In addition to books, the shop sold greetings cards.
moreover, furthermore, additionally, besides, withal, to boot, in or into the bargain, too, also, as well
We were compelled to exercise every morning and in addition we went for a ten-mile run each Saturday.
Search Google for Addition:
Science / Chemistry / Addition Compound: An addition compound contains two or more simpler compounds that can be packed in a definite ratio into a crystal. A dot is used to separate the compounds in the formula. For example, ZnSO4?ยท7 H2O is MORE
Business / Finance / Additional Bonds Test: A test for ensuring that bond issuers can meet the debt service requirements of issuing any new additional bonds. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Additional Peanuts: Peanuts sold from a farm in any marketing year in excess of the amount of quota peanuts (see peanut poundage quota) sold from that farm. Additional peanuts must be exported or crushed into oil and mea MORE
Business / Finance / Additional Hedge: A protection against borrower fallout risk in the mortgage pipeline. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Additional Outlet (A-O): Receivers other than the primary one can be connected to the dish allowing other televisions in the house to be on different programs than the one connected to the primary receiver. Alternatively, an MORE
Business / Finance / Additional Paid-In Capital: The amount paid by investors for stock over and above its par value. See also contributed capital. MORE