Other Words for Abandon

Abandon Noun Synonyms
recklessness, intemperance, wantonness, lack of restraint, unrestraint
He behaved with wild abandon after he received the inheritance.

Abandon Verb Synonyms
give up, renounce, discontinue, forgo, drop, desist, abstain from
She abandoned cigarettes and whisky after the doctor's warning.

give up or over, yield, surrender, leave, cede, let go, deliver (up), turn over, relinquish
I can see no reason why we should abandon the house to thieves and vandals.

depart from, leave, desert, quit, go away from
The order was given to abandon ship.

desert, forsake, jilt, walk out on
He even abandoned his fiance.

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Abandoned Wells

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Abandonment Option

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Entertainment / Music / Atonality: Total abandonment of tonality (centering in a key). Atonal music moves from one level of dissonance to another, without areas of relaxation. MORE


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