Technology / Television (TV) / Category Development Index (CDI): A measure of the relationship of a specific category's sales to population in a specific geographic area. The CDI is derived by dividing an area's percent of total U.S. sales by that area's percent of population. Comparing BDI and CDI can be helpful in gauging brand or category potential.
Search Google for Category Development Index (CDI):
Category Noun Synonyms: class, classification, type, sort, kind, variety, group, grouping, listing, rank, ranking, list, grade, department, division, section, sector, area, sphere, head, heading
Development Verb Synonyms: occurrence, happening, event, incident, circumstance, situation, condition, phenomenon
Development Noun Synonyms: evolution, growth, evolvement, maturation, unfolding, maturing, maturity, increase, expansion, enlargement, increment, advance, advancement, progress, improvement
Index Noun Synonyms: guide, directory, list, listing, table of contents, catalogue, key, thesaurus
Index Adjective Synonyms: mark, sign, clue, token, hint, pointer, indicator, indication, guide
Business / Agriculture / Prices Received Index: An index that measures changes in the prices received for crops and livestock. NASS currently publishes the index on a 1990-92=100 base. A ratio of the prices received index to the prices paid index o MORE
Business / Agriculture / Prices Paid Index: An index that measures changes in the prices paid for goods and services used in crop and livestock production and family living. The production component of the index accounts for over 65% of the tot MORE
Business / Finance / Producer Price Index (PPI): Index measuring changes in wholesale prices, published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics every month. MORE
Business / Finance / Profitability Index: The present value of the future cash flows divided by the initial investment. Also called the benefit-cost ratio. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Purchase Of Development Rights (PDR): The acquisition of property development rights through voluntary sale by the landowner to a government agency or land trust. The government agency or land trust acquiring development rights typically MORE
Business / Finance / Price-Weighted Index: An index giving a greater influence to higher-valued stocks by weighting all component stocks by their price. MORE