Technology / Home Audio / Sound Pressure Level (SPL): An acoustic measurement of sound energy. 1 db SPL is the smallest increment in sound level to which the average human is sensitive. Theoretically, 0 db SPL is the threshold of human hearing while approximately 120 db is the threshold of pain.
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Level Verb Synonyms: aim, point, draw a bead, direct, train, focus
Level Noun Synonyms: horizontal, prone, supine
Level Adjective Synonyms: even, smooth, plane, uniform, plain, flat, flush, straight, true
Pressure Noun Synonyms: force, compression, weight, power, strength
Pressure Adjective Synonyms: compression, pressing, squeezing, compressing, tension, stress, crushing
Sound Adjective Synonyms: resound, reverberate, echo, resonate
Sound Noun Synonyms: tone, noise, din, cacophony, report
Sound Verb Synonyms: undamaged, uninjured, whole, unmarred, in good condition or shape, intact, unimpaired, unscathed
Business / Construction / Pressure-Treated Wood: Lumber that has been saturated with a preservative. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Pressured Speech: Speech that is increased in amount, accelerated, and difficult or impossible to interrupt. Usually it is also loud and emphatic. Frequently the person talks without any social stimulation and may cont MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Pressureless Ball: A special type of tennis ball that does not have a core of pressurized air as standard balls do but rather has a core made of solid rubber, or a core filled tightly with micro-particles. Quality press MORE
Technology / Rockets / Pressure Transducer: Outputs electrical signal proportional to pressure. MORE
Science / Weather / Pressure Tendency: The pressure characteristic and amount of pressure change during a specified time period, usually the three hour period preceding the observation. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Pressure Relief Valve: A valve used on hot water heating appliances to help keep the pressure in the heated tank or boiler from getting too high by allowing the relief of pressure from the valve. MORE