Technology / Aviation / Terminal Radar Service Area (Trsa): Airspace surrounding designated airports wherein ATC provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation on a full-time basis for all IFR and participating VFR aircraft. Service provided at a TRSA is called Stage III Service. TRSAs are depicted on VFR aeronautical charts. Pilot participation is urged but is not mandatory.
Search Google for Terminal Radar Service Area (Trsa):
Area Noun Synonyms: space, room
Service Verb Synonyms: help, assistance, aid,efulness, utility, benefit, advantage
Service Noun Synonyms: assignment, post, appointment, secondment
Terminal Verb Synonyms: keyboard, monitor, position, station, VDU (= 'visual display unit'), PC (= 'personal computer'), module, CRT (= 'cathode ray tube'), screen, (control) panel
Terminal Noun Synonyms: closing, concluding, terminating, ending, final, ultimate, extreme, maximum, greatest
Terminal Adjective Synonyms: connection, wire, connector, coupler, coupling, conductor
Technology / Radar / Radar Repeater: A unit which duplicates the ppi display at a location remote from the main radar indicator installation. Also called ppi repeater, remote ppi. MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Reflector: A metal device designed for reflecting strong echoes of impinging radar signals towards their source. The corner reflector consists of three mutually perpendicular metal plates. Corner reflectors are MORE
Technology / Radar / Radar Receivers: Clutter is a major practical problem in the use of radar systems. Radar receivers often incorporate special techniques to to minimise clutter. MORE