Science / Weather / Weather: The state of the atmosphere at a specific time and with respect to its effect on life and human activities. It is the short term variations of the atmosphere, as opposed to the long term, or climatic, changes. It is often referred to in terms of brightness, cloudiness, humidity, precipitation, temperature, visibility, and wind,
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Weather Adjective Synonyms: (meteorological) condition(s), climate
Science / Geology / Zone Of Weathering: A subsurface area, above the water table, where mineral and organic materials are subject to weathering. MORE
Business / Taxes / Weather Derivative: A weather derivative is a futures contract ?€” or options on that futures contract ?€” where the underlying commodity is a weather index. These derivatives work much the same way that interest MORE
Science / Geology / Mechanical Weathering: A general term applied to a variety of weathering processes that result in the particle size reduction of rock materials with no change in composition. Frost action, salt crystal growth and pressure r MORE