Sargasso Sea

Science / Weather / Sargasso Sea: An area of the North Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda and the Azores. It is in the middle of the North Atlantic oceanic gyre, with converging surface waters. Consequently, it has less biological features than any other region of the ocean because the lack of mixing with more nutrient-rich waters.
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Other Words for Sea

Sea Adjective Synonyms: ocean, deep blue sea, high seas, (briny) deep, (bounding) main, Neptune's or Poseidon's kingdom or domain, blue water, Davy Jones's locker, briny, drink, pond (= 'Atlantic Ocean')
Sea Verb Synonyms: swell, breaker, wave


Technology / Aviation / Seaplane: A water-based aircraft with a boat-hull fuselage, often amphibious.The term is also used generically to define a similar Flying Boat and a pontoon FLOATPLANE. MORE


Lifestyle / Adoption / Search: An attempt, usually by birthparent, adopted person or adoptive parent (but sometimes by volunteers or paid consultants) to make a connection between the birthparent and the biological child. MORE

Search Advertising

Business / Internet Marketing / Search Advertising: An advertiser pays for the chance to have their ad display when a user searches for a given keyword. These are usually text ads, which are displayed above or to the right of the algorithmic (organic) MORE

Search and Consent Procedures

Lifestyle / Adoption / Search and Consent Procedures: Procedures, sanctioned in state law, that authorize a public or private agency to assist a searching party to locate another party to the adoption to determine if the second party agrees to the releas MORE


Science / Geology / Seamount: A mountain on the sea floor that has at least 1000 meters of local relief. Most seamounts are shield volcanoes. (See also Guyot.) MORE


Business / Construction / Sealer: A finishing material, either clear or pigmented, that is usually applied directly over raw wood for the purpose of sealing the wood surface. MORE