
Science / Weather / Rime: The rapid freezing of supercooled water droplets as they touch an exposed object, forming a white opaque granular deposit of ice. It is one of the results of an ice storm, and when formed on aircraft it is called rime icing.
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Science / Chemistry / Experiment: An experiment is direct observation under controlled conditions. Most experiments involve carefully changing one variable and observing the effect on another variable (for example, changing temperatur MORE


Science / Chemistry / Calorimetry: Experimental determination of heat absorbed or released by a chemical or physical change. MORE

En Primeur

Life Style / Wine / En Primeur: A system commonly associated with Bordeaux wine where the previous year's harvest is available for contract sales several months before the wine will be bottled and release. MORE

Prime Loan

Business / Loan / Prime Loan: A loan offered to borrowers with better credit history (sometimes called 'A' loans). Prime loans generally are priced lower and cost the borrower less. MORE

Prime Rate

Business / Finance / Prime Rate: The interest rate that banks charge to their most creditworthy customers. The prime rate is an important reference number, because loans to companies are often tied to it on a percentage basis. See al MORE

Prime Farmland

Business / Agriculture / Prime Farmland: Land that is best suited to and available for the production of food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops. It can be cropland, pastureland, rangeland, forestland, or other land. It has the soil qua MORE