Science / Weather / Halo: The ring of light that seems to encircle the sun or moon when veiled by cirrus clouds. To produce this phenomena, the ice crystals must be in a heterogeneous arrangement to refract the sunlight. The most commonly observed is a halo that forms at a 22?° radius, although another one at 46?° radius may also be seen.
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Halo Verb Synonyms: nimbus, aura, aureole or aureola, corona, radiance, Painting vesica, mandorla, ring, disc, circle, annulation, annulus
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Halo-Horn Effect: A form of interviewer bias, occurring when the interviewer rates or judges an individual based on the individual?€™s positive or strongest traits, allowing their overall perception of the person t MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Acephalous: From Greek 'headless,' acephalous lines are lines in normal iambic pentameter that contain only nine syllables rather than the expected ten. The first syllable, which is stressed, 'counts' as a full m MORE
Business / Agriculture / Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Tses): The name of a number of degenerative brain diseases that infect humans and animals. For example, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) infects cattle: scrapie infects sheep and goats: Creutzfeldt-Jac MORE