Mean Tide Level (MTL)

Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Tide Level (MTL): A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of mean high water and mean low water. Same as half-tide level.
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Other Words for Level

Level Verb Synonyms: aim, point, draw a bead, direct, train, focus
Level Adjective Synonyms: even, smooth, plane, uniform, plain, flat, flush, straight, true
Level Noun Synonyms: horizontal, prone, supine

Other Words for Mean

Mean Verb Synonyms: portend, show, foretell, foreshadow, promise, presage, augur, herald
Mean Adjective Synonyms: denote, signify, indicate, note, specify, designate, represent, betoken, signal, carry, convey, drive at, refer to, allude to, communicate, express, bring out, get over or across, imply, suggest, connote, intimate, hint (at)
Mean Noun Synonyms: intend, design, purpose, plan, aim, have in mind, contemplate, have in view, want, wish, expect, hope, be motivated by, have as justification


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