Science / Tides and Currents / Lunitidal Interval: The interval between the Moon's transit (upper or lower) over the local or Greenwich meridian and the following high or low water. The average of all high water intervals for all phases of the Moon is known as mean high water lunitidal interval and is abbreviated to high water interval (HWI). Similarly, mean low water lunitidal interval is abbreviated to low water interval (LWI). The interval is described as local or Greenwich according to whether the reference is to the transit over the local or Greenwich meridian. When not otherwise specified, the reference is assumed to be local. When there is considerable diurnal inequality in the tide, separate intervals may be obtained for the higher high waters, lower high waters, higher low waters, and lower low waters. These are designated respectively as higher high water interval (HHWI), lower high water interval (LHWI), higher low water interval (HLWI), and lower low water interval (LLWI). In such cases, and also when the tide is diurnal, it is necessary to distinguish between the upper and lower transit of the Moon with reference to its declination. Intervals referred to the Moon's upper transit at the time of its north declination or the lower transit at the time of south declination are marked a. Intervals referred to the Moon's lower transit at the time of its north declination or to the upper transit at the time of south declination are marked b.
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Interval Noun Synonyms: intermission, interlude, entr'acte, break, pause, recess, rest (period), period, time, wait, spell, delay, lapse
Science / Tides and Currents / Tropic Intervals: Tropic higher high water interval (tchhwi) is the lunitidal interval pertaining to the higher high waters at the time of the tropic tides. Tropic lower low water interval (tcllwi) is the lunitidal int MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Lunicurrent Interval: The interval between the Moon's transit (upper or lower) over the local or Greenwich meridian and a specified phase of the tidal current following the transit. Examples are strength of flood interval MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Rise Interval (MRI): The average interval between the transit of the Moon and the middle of the period of the rise of the tide. It may be computed by adding half the duration of rise to the mean low water interval, subtra MORE