Science / Marine Biology / Surface Layer: The layer of the ocean extending from the surface to a depth above which the ocean is homogeneous due to wind mixing
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Surface Adjective Synonyms: exterior, covering, outside, top, skin, integument, facade, face, boundary, interface, superficies, side, plane
Surface Adverb Synonyms: pave, concrete, tarmac
Science / Weather / Summation Layer Amount: The amount of sky cover for each layer is given in eighths of sky cover attributable to clouds or obscurations. The summation amount for any given layer is equal to the sum of the sky cover for the la MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Surface (Mounting): A method of mounting speakers in which the external parts of the upper speaker protrude above the surface on which it is mounted. MORE
Science / Weather / Surface Boundary Layer: The lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere, usually up to 3,300 feet, or one kilometer, from the earth's surface, where the wind is influenced by the friction of the earth's surface and the objects on MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Surface Grinding: The process of grinding flat surfaces on a surface grinding machine. With special setups, angular and form surfaces may also be ground. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Surface Development: Development process in which the image forms primarily on the surface of the emulsion and then penetrates deeper. MORE