Science / Marine Biology / Plankton: Pelagic organisms that float through the water column, not attached to any substrate and unable to move against the currents and tides. Plankton can be further divided into phytoplankton and zooplankton, meroplankton and holoplankton. Compare nekton.
Search Google for Plankton:
Science / Marine Biology / Ultraplankton: Planktonic organisms that are less than 2 micrometers in size MORE
Science / Biology / Phytoplankton: A fioating layer of photosynthetic organisms, including algae, that are an important source of atmospheric oxygen and form the base of the aquatic food chain. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Megaplankton: Planktonic organisms that are greater than or equal to 2000 micrometers in size MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Meroplankton: Organisms that spend part of their time in the plankton but also spend time in the benthos (e.g., planktonic larvae of benthic invertebrates) MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Zooplankton: Animal members of the plankton MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Nanoplankton: Planktonic organisms that are 2-20 micometers in size. MORE