
Science / Chemistry / Work: Work is the energy required to move an object against an opposing force. Work is usually expressed as a force times a displacement. Dropping a stone from a window involves no work, because there is no force opposing the motion (unless you consider air friction...). Pushing against a stone wall involves no work, unless the stone wall actually moves.
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Other Words for Work

Work Noun Synonyms: labour, toil, effort, drudgery, travail, exertion, industry
Work Verb Synonyms: feat, achievement, creation, accomplishment, opus, handiwork, oeuvre, production, composition, piece, master-work, masterpiece, chef-d'oeuvre, magnum opus, output

Looyen Work

Health / Massage / Looyen Work: Developed by Ted Looyen, this technique is a painless approach to deep-tissue therapy, working with the connective tissue and fascial components. It is a combination of several restructuring systems, MORE

Blue Collar Workers

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Blue Collar Workers: Hourly paid workers employed in occupations that require physical or manual labor. MORE

Alternative Worksite

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Alternative Worksite: Any location other than the employer?€™s physical worksite where employees are allowed to perform their jobs. MORE