Science / Chemistry / Rare Earth: An oxide of a rare earth element.
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Earth Noun Synonyms: soil, dirt, loam, sod, clay, turf, ground, mould
Earth Noun Plural Synonyms: globe, mother earth, planet, world, blue planet, Terra
Rare Noun Synonyms: fine, good, admirable, excellent, choice, select, special, first-rate, first-class, exquisite, superior, superlative, peerless, unequalled, matchless, incomparable, in a class by itself or herself or himself or themselves, sui generis, outstanding, collec
Rare Adjective Synonyms: uncommon, unfamiliar, unusual, exceptional, out of the ordinary, extraordinary, atypical, scarce, unparalleled, choice, recherch‚, phenomenal, infrequent, few and far between, sparse, scanty, limited, seldom encountered or met with or seen, unique, singul
Entertainment / Photography / Infrared Compensation Index: Used to compensate the focus for black and white infrared film. Color ir film generally does not require compensation. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Infrared Data Association (IrDA): A membership organization founded in 1993 and dedicated to developing standards for wireless, infrared transmission systems between computers. With IrDA ports, a laptop or PDA can exchange data with a MORE
Technology / Computers / Infrared: A light that is so red that it is not viewable to the naked eye. It uses this invisible beam of light to transmit a pre-programmed 'line-of-sight' signal to certain electronic components. Its typical MORE
Business / Real Estate / Homeowners Guide To Earthquake Safety: A document produced by the State of California Seismic Safety Commission intended to help inform homeowners on earthquake safety issues in homes. MORE
Science / Geology / Focus (Earthquake): The point at which the rupture occurs: synonymous with hypocenter. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Alkaline Earth: An oxide of an alkaline earth metal, which produces an alkaline solution in reaction with water. MORE