Science / Chemistry / Photosynthesis: A complex process used by many plants and bacteria to build carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water, using energy derived from light.
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Lifestyle / Christmas Trees / Leaf: Plant structure which is the primary location for photosynthesis. Long slender leaves are often referred to as needles. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Photosynthetic Quotient: In photosynthesis, the moles of oxygen produced, divided by the moles of carbon dioxide assimilated MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Primary Production: The production of living matter by photosynthesizing organisms or by chemosynthesizing organisms. Usually expressed as grams of carbon per square meter per year MORE
Lifestyle / Christmas Trees / Eastern Red Cedar: The branches of the eastern redcedar are compact and form a pyramidal crown, except in older trees. The leaves are usually arranged in opposing pairs along the branchlets. They are a dark shiny green MORE