Science / Chemistry / F Orbital: An orbital with angular momentum quantum number ell = 2. The f orbitals generally have 3 nuclear nodes and rather complex shapes. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Antibonding Orbital: A molecular orbital that can be described as the result of destructive interference of atomic orbitals on bonded atoms. Antibonding orbitals have energies higher than the energies its constituent atom MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Orbital Slots: Orbital slots refer to the location of satellites around the globe. Their are 6 main slots used for DBS TV. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Molecular Orbital: A wavefunction that describes the behavior of an electron in a molecule. Molecular orbitals are usually spread across many atoms in the molecule, and they are often described as a combination of atomi MORE
Science / Chemistry / Atomic Orbital: A wavefunction that describes the behavior of an electron in an atom. MORE