Molecular Model

Science / Chemistry / Molecular Model: A representation of a molecule. The model can be purely computational or it can be an actual physical object. Stick models show bonds, ball-and-stick models show bonds and atoms, and spacefilling models show relative atomic sizes.
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Other Words for Model

Model Noun Synonyms: representation, replica, mock-up, maquette, scale model, working model, miniature, dummy, image, likeness, facsimile, copy
Model Verb Synonyms: copy, imitation, facsimile, representative, miniature

Network Model HMO

Health / Health Insurance / Network Model HMO: An HMO that contracts with more than one group practice of physicians or specialty groups. MORE

Molecular Weight

Science / Chemistry / Molecular Weight: The average mass of a molecule, calculated by summing the atomic weights of atoms in the molecular formula. Note that the words mass and weight are often used interchangeably in chemistry. MORE

Molecular Sieve

Science / Chemistry / Molecular Sieve: A material that contains many small cavities interconnected with pores of precisely uniform size. Zeolites are an example. Molecular sieves adsorb molecules that are small enough to pass through their MORE

OSI Reference Model

Technology / Computers / OSI Reference Model: (Open Systems Interconnect) A network communications software standard that consists of a seven layer structure of specified protocol and services. MORE

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model (PBPK Model)

Health / Disease / Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model (PBPK Model): A computer model that describes what happens to a chemical in the body. This model describes how the chemical gets into the body, where it goes in the body, how it is changed by the body, and how it l MORE

Quantum Models Of Speciation

Science / Biology / Quantum Models Of Speciation: Models of evolution that hold that speciation sometimes occurs rapidly as well as over long periods, as the classical theory proposed. MORE