
Science / Chemistry / Group: 1. A substructure that imparts characteristic chemical behaviors to a molecule, for example, a carboxylic acid group. (also: functional group). 2. A vertical column on the periodic table, for example, the halogens. Elements that belong to the same group usually show chemical similarities, although the element at the top of the group is usually atypical.
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Other Words for Group

Group Adjective Synonyms: assembly, assemblage, gathering, congregation, company, number, alliance, union, association, organization, league, society, coterie, clique, set, band, circle, club, party, body, faction, crowd, team, corps, guild, troupe, unit, troop, platoon, squad
Group Noun Synonyms: batch, aggregation, set, grouping, collection, assemblage, bunch, accumulation, conglomeration, agglomeration, assortment, series, pile, heap, bundle

Group Rotation

Business / Finance / Group Rotation: A group of the ten major industrialized countries whose mission is to create a more stable world economic trading environment through monetary and fiscal policies. The ten are Belgium, Canada, France, MORE

Group Of Eight (G-8)

Business / Finance / Group Of Eight (G-8): Insurance coverage for a group, which can usually be obtained at a cheaper rate than insurance for an individual. MORE

Discussion Group

Technology / Email / Discussion Group: An email service in which individual members post messages for all group members to read (many to many). In contrast, a newsletter is a 'one to many' broadcast, where comments by members or subscriber MORE