Science / Chemistry / Free Radical: A free radical is a molecule with an odd number of electrons. Free radicals do not have a completed octet and often undergo vigorous redox reactions. Free radicals produced within cells can react with membranes, enzymes, and genetic material, damaging or even killing the cell. Free radicals have been implicated in a number of degenerative conditions, from natural aging to Alzheimer's disease.
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Free Adjective Synonyms: liberated, at large, let go, let off, emancipated, delivered, manumitted, set free, unshackled, unfettered, released, freed, loose, out, sprung, on the loose
Free Verb Synonyms: relieve, rid, unburden, disburden, disencumber, unbosom, rescue, redeem
Free Adverb Synonyms: set free, set at liberty, enfranchise, release, let go, liberate, let out, let loose, unloose, unchain, unfetter, uncage, emancipate, disenthrall, manumit, pardon, parole, furlough
Free Noun Synonyms: at liberty, unfettered, unchained, unshackled, unconfined, untrammelled, unencumbered, unrestrained, unrestricted, unconstrained, uncontrolled, free-born, independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, autonomous, democratic, sovereign
Radical Verb Synonyms: basic, fundamental, elementary, inherent, constitutional, elemental, essential, cardinal, principal, primary, deep, deep-seated, profound, underlying, organic, natural, rudimentary
Radical Adjective Synonyms: extremist, revolutionary, fanatic, zealot, immoderate, anarchist, militant
Radical Noun Synonyms: extremist, revolutionary, fanatic(al), militant, anarchist(ic), immoderate
Health / Fitness / Free Radicals: Highly reactive molecules that possess unpaired electrons. Caused by a number of factors, look at Antioxidants for prevention. MORE
Health / Fitness / Freestyle: The traditional type of swimming movement that uses the front crawl. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Freestanding Implant: An implant which can withstand functional forces without splinting to any additional abutments. MORE