
Science / Chemistry / Element: An element is a substance composed of atoms with identical atomic number. The older definition of element (an element is a pure substance that can't be decomposed chemically) was made obsolete by the discovery of isotopes.
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Other Words for Element

Element Noun Synonyms: environment, atmosphere, situation, locale, territory, sphere, habitat, medium, domain
Element Adjective Synonyms: component, constituent, ingredient, essential, fundamental, part, unit, piece, segment, feature, factor, detail, particular

Rare Earth Element

Science / Chemistry / Rare Earth Element: A metallic element that belongs to Group 3B or to the lanthanide series. MORE

Element Symbol

Science / Chemistry / Element Symbol: An international abbreviation for element names, usually consisting of the first one or two distinctive letters in element name. Some symbols are abbreviations for ancient names. MORE

Main Group Elements

Science / Chemistry / Main Group Elements: Elements of the s and p blocks. MORE

Elementary Reaction

Science / Chemistry / Elementary Reaction: A reaction that occurs in a single step. Equations for elementary reactions show the actual molecules, atoms, and ions that react on a molecular level. MORE

Transuranium Element

Science / Chemistry / Transuranium Element: An element with an atomic number higher than 92 (uranium's atomic number). Transuranium elements are unstable and occur in extremely low concentrations (if at all) in nature. Most are made artificiall MORE

Trace Element

Science / Geology / Trace Element: An element that appears in minerals in a concentration of less than l percent (often less than 0.001 percent). MORE