Science / Chemistry / Conversion Factor: A conversion factor is a fraction that relates one unit to another. Multiplying a measurement by a conversion factor changes the units of the measurement. For example, since 1 in = 2.54 cm, to convert 10 inches to centimeters, (10 in)= 25.4 cm, 2.54 cm, 1 in.
Search Google for Conversion Factor:
Factor Adjective Synonyms: constituent, ingredient, element, part, particular, piece, component, circumstance, consideration, aspect, fact, influence, determinant, cause
Science / Psychiatry / Olfactory Hallucination: A hallucination involving the perception of odor, such as of burning rubber or decaying fish. MORE
Business / Finance / Old-Line Factoring: Factoring arrangement that provides collection, insurance, and finance for accounts receivable. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Obliquity Factor: A factor in an expression for a constituent tide (or tidal current) involving the angle of the inclination of the Moon's orbit to the plane of the Earth's Equator. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Node Factor (F): A factor depending upon the longitude of the Moon's node which, when applied to the mean coefficient of a tidal constituent, will adapt the same to a particular year for which predictions are to be ma MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Olfactory Imagery: Imagery dealing with scent. See imagery. MORE
Business / Finance / One-Factor APT: A special case of the arbitrage pricing theory that is derived from the one-factor model by using diversification and arbitrage. It shows that the expected return on any risky asset is a linear functi MORE