Bar Verb Synonyms: fasten, close up, secure, shut up, lock, lock up, padlock
Bar Preposition Synonyms: except (for), excepting, excluding, barring, outside (of), save for, aside from, but
Bar Noun Synonyms: rod, shaft, pole, stick, stake
Technology / Home Audio / Microbar: 1. A unit of atmospheric pressure equal to one millionth of a bar. 2. A place to consume the product of microbreweries. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Architectural Barriers: The physical attributes or design of a building, structure or facility that prevent individuals with physical disabilities from accessing or freely using the building, structure or facility. The Arch MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Isobarik: Sometimes spelled Isobaric, this is an enclosure design in which two or more Drivers are coupled together by a sealed air mass to operate as a single driver. With proper sealing and design, very impre MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Barium Ferrite: A speaker magnet material made from an alloy with iron and barium for improved magnetic strength. MORE