Science / Psychiatry / Hyperdopaminergia: (hi-per-do-pah-min-er-gee-ah) Neurochemical condition of excess dopamine neurotransmission. Thought to partly underlie the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Glutamine: The amide of the amino acid glutamic acid. Glutamic acid often occurs as glutamine when built into proteins. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Nitrosamine: Potentially carcinogenic compounds formed by the reactions of nitrites with amines or amides normally present in the body. MORE
Health / First Aid / Diphenhydramine: Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine sold over-the-counter. Diphenhydramine is also sold as a sleep aid. MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Traminer: Recently (2002) determined to be a possible cross developed from wild grape varieties. Is closely related to the V.silvestris Gmelin grapevine. Still grown in France, where it is better known as Savag MORE
Lifestyle / Wine Grapes / Traminette: Reportedly a.k.a NY 65.533.13. Newly, (1996), released variety derived from a Traminer Rot x Joannes Seyve 23416 cross by Cornell Univ. viticulturists. Quite cold-hardy, bears large clusters and is su MORE