Science / Astrology / Esoteric Astrology: A study that deals with the human spirit and hidden nature as opposed to exoteric astrology, which deals with human characteristics and life on Earth. Reincarnation, karma, the aura, one's reason for being and the part human life plays in the ultimate scheme of the cosmic, universal or spiritual are among topics investigated in terms of astrological symbolism.
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Science / Astrology / Exoteric Astrology: Any branch of astrology that studies observable events and characteristics such as natal astrology, mundane astrology, etc., as distinguished from esoteric astrology, which studies the unknown or occu MORE
Science / Astrology / Natal Astrology: The branch of astrology dealing with the individual. The horoscope cast for the birth time of the individual, showing life potentials, is called a natal horoscope, geniture, radix, or nativity. MORE
Science / Astrology / Meteorological Astrology (Astro-Meteorology): The use of astrology for forecasting the weather conditions, earthquakes, and severe storms. Also called natural astrology. MORE