Science / Astrology / Balsamic Phase: When a more quickly orbiting planet trails a planet with a slower orbit and appears to 'catch up' with the slower body, and the planets are within 45 degrees of one another in their orbital cycles, astrologers say that the faster moving planet is in its Balsamic Phase. Deals with your dedication to your destiny.
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Phase Noun Synonyms: stage, period, development, step
Business / Machine Shop / Phase Transition: Iron phase transitions are at room temperature to 1,670?°F (910?°C) iron is body-center cubic, 1670?°F (910?°C) to 2535?°F (1388?°C) iron is face-center cubic and 2535?°F (1390?°C) the melting MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Phase Transitions: When metals or metal alloys go from solid to liquid or the reverse, this is a MORE
Technology / Radar / Phased Array Radar: A phased array radar uses an antenna that consists of an array of antenna elements along with signal processing that allows the antenna to be steered electronically. MORE