
Science / Astrology / Aura: A subtle quality or atmosphere emanating form a living being, object, or place.
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Other Words for Aura

Aura Noun Synonyms: air, atmosphere, feeling, ambience or ambiance, spirit, character, quality, odor, aroma, emanation


Technology / Home Audio / Supraaural: Term used in reference to headphones. Supraaural phones rest on the ear, rather than enclosing the ear. Supraaural phones typically are lightweight, and because they do not seal around the ear, tend t MORE

Maitre D (Restaurant Manager)

Lifestyle / Travel / Maitre D (Restaurant Manager): The maitre d' is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the restaurants, including the quality of food preparation, presentation, and service; and guest seating. MORE

Mono (Monaural)

Technology / Home Audio / Mono (Monaural): The operation of an amplifier in one channel for both input and output. Can refer to an amplifier with only one channel of amplification or operating in bridged mode. For low frequency amplification a MORE


Science / Biology / Laurasia: The northern part of the supercontinent of Pangaea, composed of the present-day North America, Europe, and Asia. MORE


Lifestyle / Travel / Dine-Around-Plan: A meal plan, usually prepaid, that allows one to dine at various restaurants in an area. MORE

Anytime Dining

Lifestyle / Travel / Anytime Dining: Princess cruises' flexible, evening dining program that allows passengers to select from a variety of onboard restaurants during their cruise, as opposed to their 'traditional fixed seating' program. MORE